Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana Online Application Majhi Larki Bahini Yojana was launched by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra State Government Eknath Shindeji on 28th June 2024 during the Interim Budget of the State, the main objective of launching this scheme is to make the women of the state financially empowered and self-reliant. Under the Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana, married, widowed, divorced, abandoned, destitute women, and girls above 21 years of age of the state will be given financial assistance of Rs 1500-2500 every month by the state government. Chief Minister Majhi Larki can apply for the sister scheme online and offline.
Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana online application form, you will get Rs 1500-2500 every month.
The official website for online application has been released and for offline application, women can apply by going to the nearest Anganwadi Center, Setu Suvidha Center, or CSC Center, by getting the majhi ladki bahini yojana form. However, women can apply online. You can apply through the Nari Shakti Doot app and the official website. In today's article, we will learn how to apply for Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana online. Applying online is very easy and you will get your approval in no time.
So, if you want to apply for Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana online,
then read this article till the end. In this article, we will give you detailed and comprehensive information about Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana. For example Ladki Bahin Yojana Online Maharashtra Apply Link, Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana Form, Ladki Bahin Yojana Yadi, Larki Bahin Yojana- Form, "Larki Bahin Yojana Form" -Apply, Ladki- Bahini Yojana List, Eligibility for Maji Ladki Vahini Yojana, Documents for Majhi Ladki Vahini Yojana, etc.
What is the Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana?
The Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana is a financial assistance scheme launched by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Eknath Shinde, to empower women in the state. It provides monthly financial support ranging from Rs 1500 to Rs 2500 to married, widowed, divorced, abandoned, and destitute women and girls above 21 years of age.
How can I apply for the Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana?
You can apply for the Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana both online and offline. For online applications, you will need to visit the official website of the scheme, while offline applications can be submitted at designated government offices.
Who is eligible for the financial assistance under this scheme?
The financial assistance under the Majhi Ladki Bahini Yojana is available for married, widowed, divorced, abandoned, and destitute women and girls who are 21 years of age or older residing in Maharashtra.
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